Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ Dysfunction Treatment

When we diagnose patients with conditions such as temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ/TMD, they often wonder how treatment can address the dysfunction of this jaw joint. Drs. Laurel and Paul Morello are providers who can offer TMJ diagnosis and dysfunction treatment to address issues such as pain that often accompany these conditions. Let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions about these concerns:

What is TMJ/TMD?

TMJ/TMD, or temporal mandibular joint disorder, is a common yet uncomfortable condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. It often results in pain, stiffness, and even difficulty with jaw movement. A variety of factors, such as trauma, stress, or misalignment of the teeth, might cause this dysfunction.

How is TMJ/TMD diagnosed?

A diagnosis of TMJ/TMD typically involves a thorough examination of the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Drs. Laurel and Paul Morello also use 3D imaging techniques to better understand the condition. Once diagnosed, they can talk to the patient about their treatment choices.

What are the treatment options available for TMJ/TMD?

Drs. Laurel and Paul Morello want to ensure patients have the right treatment options when addressing their conditions. Below are just a few common treatments that our team might recommend:

  • Occlusal splints or mouthguards. These unique devices alleviate pain and discomfort by reducing pressure on the jaw joint and protecting teeth from grinding or clenching.

  • Physical therapy. Certain exercises and techniques can relax the jaw muscles and improve flexibility in the joint.

  • Medications. Sometimes, we may prescribe medication to manage pain or reduce inflammation.

  • Dental work. If a misaligned bite contributes to TMJ/TMD symptoms, orthodontic treatment or other dental procedures might be recommended to correct the issue.

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Which treatment do I need to address my temporomandibular joint disorder and dysfunction?

During the initial evaluation phase, our team can discuss the severity of your condition and help you choose the treatment that best suits your unique needs.

Who can I call to learn more about TMJ, TMD, and other oral health conditions that can be treated?

A qualified, experienced provider should always discuss treatment options for temporomandibular joint disorder and other oral and dental health conditions. Drs. Laurel and Paul Morello of El Cajon, California, always accept new and established patients in the community seeking comprehensive dental care. Call (619) 444-4083 to request an upcoming visit with our team at 226 Avocado Avenue. We are here to assist with many dental concerns, providing general, cosmetic, preventive, and restorative dentistry solutions for adult patients.


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