Alf Therapy

The ABCs of ALF therapy: Treating the underlying source of airway dysfunction

Laurel Morello DDS is a practice built on a foundation of supporting each patient’s overall health and well-being through delivering exceptional dentistry services. From our El Cajon, California office, Dr. Laurel Morello and her son, Dr. Paul Morello, have developed considerable capabilities in advanced dental services and treatments. Notably, we provide early monitoring of airway and craniofacial development. Our advanced diagnostics support and inform early, effective interventions for sleep-disordered breathing and other symptoms and conditions that stem from anatomical considerations to neurophysiological consequences

ALF therapy is appropriate for both adult and pediatric patients alike. However, it is particularly powerful as a proactive approach to treating anomalies and dysfunction among growing children.

What’s in a name?

ALF stands for “Advanced Light Force” or “Advanced Lightwire Functional.” This family of innovative oral appliances is designed to simply, elegantly, conservatively, and gently place consistent force on the teeth to support orthodontic treatment (tooth movement) and so much more. Due to the sophisticated designs of these dental apparatuses, Dr. Morello  works to alleviate the underlying cause of airway dysfunction. Such dysfunction is associated with interrupted breathing during sleep and poor sleep quality, as well as a wide range of potential side effects and complications – from chronic migraines and TMJ symptoms to asthma, mood disorders, impaired concentration, and hyperactivity (commonly displayed in children). This therapy encourages proper oral posture and may be used to expand or open up the airway. The appliance’s specific design depends on the patient’s unique needs. 

Unlike other types of oral appliances, the versatile ALF signals changes to the tissues and structures responsible for sleep-disordered breathing and other related conditions and behaviours. ALF, in turn, gets to the heart of the problem. It does not merely provide a temporary solution; the changes it facilitates promote lasting symptom relief and real treatment. For this reason, it is generally advised to begin treatment early, when growth potential is at its greatest in developing children.  We can avoid the many complications associated with these conditions before they affect children’s performance at school and have lasting effects on their systemic health. 

However, anyone with persistent snoring, chronic headaches, and other unexplainable concerns is encouraged to contact us to learn more about our approach to supporting airway health and function. Depending on your needs, we may also discuss lifestyle modifications and exercises to encourage the healthy process that nurtures a healthy body and mind. Call (619) 444-4083 to chat with our team at the office of Laurel Morello DDS in El Cajon, CA today.

Before & After Results

Simple design all inside the mouth
Start of lower appliance
The appliance is completely hidden from view

Before: The patient was congenitally missing her two lateral teeth in the front. Instead, her canines which support the corners of the mouth, were moved into those lateral positions. This causes a collapse of the upper arch, creating a smaller “cage” for the tongue to reside pushing it backward into the airway. She suffered serious sleep issues due to a narrowed airway and a retruded lower jaw.

Interim: Bone growth done very slowly and carefully with the ALF appliance followed by proper tooth placement orthodontically resulted in enough space to place implants in the previously missing tooth positions.

After: Happy Ever After!

Alf Appliances

Progress of 4 months later

Complex Case

Laurel Morello, DDS

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Our mission is to provide outstanding dental care in a safe environment. Allaying fears with with a gentle and effective approach has always been at the forefront of our treatments. The practice brings 45 years of Dental experience in all aspects of dentistry, including but not limited to cosmetic excellence and implant restoration. After extensive and ongoing advanced training in the last 15 years, Dr. Laurel Morello has also committed her practice to problem-solving airway and breathing dysfunction through simple self-care techniques, laser intervention, and growth and development appliances designed for a long-term wellness solution